Industrial wastewater treatment plants

Due to their energy-intensive processes, industrial wastewater treatment plants are among the largest electricity consumers in municipalities or industrial complexes. We at VWE provide customised solutions for you as an operator of industrial wastewater treatment plants to increase your energy efficiency and profitability. You benefit from our combined know-how in the fields of mechanical engineering, control engineering and process engineering.

With the conversion of biogas into electricity, many plants generate their own electricity. By optimising your wastewater treatment process, we reduce the electricity consumption of your plant and increase the amount of self-generated electricity. This reduces your electricity consumption from the public grid to a minimum.

In case of biological or hydraulic overload, the treatment efficiency of your plant is reduced and the risk of exceeding legal limits increases. We optimise the ability of your plant to deal efficiently and effectively with rapid changes in the degree of contamination of the influent. In this way, we improve the economic efficiency of your plant and ensure compliance with emission limits.

As a matter of principle, we at VWE first focus on optimising your plant before structural measures are taken.

We offer a wide range of services for operators of wastewater treatment plants

  • Process analysis of the overall performance
  • Maximisation of biogas production
  • Operation and process optimisation
  • Optimisation of energy efficiency
  • Planning, operation and optimisation of CHP plants
  • Advanced Process Control for highest control performance
  • Dynamic simulation

Your advantages

  • By using Advanced Process Control, we create degrees of freedom that provide you with control reserves for operation at maximum efficiency.
  • The improved plant control ensures less fluctuation in operation and protects your plant components.
  • The optimisation of your industrial wastewater treatment plant is customised to your individual needs. Short- and long-term changes in the influent do not pose a problem for our control system, as we link all control parameters intelligently and they thus react perfectly to setpoint specifications. You benefit from the significantly increased dynamics of your plant, which can master even strong fluctuations in inflow volumes with our control system.
  • Through simulations and control reserves, we ensure comprehensive preparation and optimal implementation of any structural measures. Under certain circumstances, we can also avoid them.