KAIDIRA® is a web-based application for visualization and further processing of process data from the value chain.


KAIDIRA® enables user-friendly and holistic monitoring of process data across the entire value chain, for one plant only or across sites. Existing data is made visible and prepared in a way that you have your data under control at all times.

  • IT and OT data can be related and managed efficiently
  • Raw data can be stored longer than in OT, and is secured according to IT security standards
  • Reports can be generated
  • Soft sensor models can be developed from historical data
  • By storing diagnostic models (also with AI support) for target/actual comparisons and the alarming functionality, control interventions can be made at an early stage.
  • Data can be monitored for availability, especially for continuous calculation of a utilization rate
  • Bundling of data from multiple sites
  • Mobile access

KAIDIRA® is industry-independent and can be implemented as a stand-alone Management Information System application for visualization. However, it can also be implemented in conjunction with our Advanced Process Control optimization products EPOC®-Suite, BCS®-Suite or BCS Fit, for example. KAIDIRA® enables user-friendly and holistic monitoring of the performance of one or more value chains or plants, based on second-by-second data. In the implementation, already existing data is made available and visible and prepared in such a way that you have your value creation under control at all times.

Data from different sources is thus made accessible in one “place”, for specific purposes, for different user groups and, above all, always up-to-date and prepared in a targeted manner. This eliminates the usual requirement to produce a time-consuming report at certain intervals and becomes an unconstrained, regular, monitoring of the plant. Optimization potentials are continuously identified and can be proactively addressed. Individual alerts for definable metrics can be created.

Access to the KAIDIRA® application is controlled via common security standards and an easily accessible 2-factor authentication (e.g. Microsoft Authenticator). Access to visualized data and reports is controlled via role-based permissions.

KAIDIRA® not only connects different types of data and different locations, but is also available on a mobile basis. This is particularly advantageous for the available early warnings (alerting).



KAIDIRA® enables the increase of the overall performance of the included assets and IT systems through clarity of the provided information from a wealth of data. The holistic view allows data to be better correlated, analyses reveal problem areas more quickly, and optimizations can thus be targeted precisely – even in several places at the same time.


The security of your plant is paramount, so KAIDIRA® OT(Operations Technology) bundles data within the IT platform with common security standards. Changes and improvements at OT level (e.g. replacement of a PLC, additional sensors) require relatively little effort to re-integrate the OT data into the KAIDIRA® IT data pool. Only interfaces between KAIDIRA® IT and the bundled OT need to be adapted. Reconciliation within individual IT and/or OT systems is not necessary.


Typically, a variety of data exists in plants, but it is not always clear whether or how this raw data is related. Using KAIDIRA®, many and also different data sources can be made visible and processed in a way that they provide benefits.

KAIDIRA® bundles the collection, mapping and analysis of data from the OT and IT areas.

This allows the advantages of these data levels to be used in the best possible way and visualized holistically within the value chain:

  • The preparation of data in IT-based systems is easier, faster and, above all, more secure to perform than at OT level.
  • In KAIDIRA®, OT data is transferred to the IT level and then IT and OT data are processed and made visible together and placed in relation to each other. This enables comparison of time series of a KPI to historical values, comparison of historical data, AI-assisted modeling and prediction of possible trends, or comparisons to external data as a point of comparison.
  • Better comparability of IT-based data enables cause-and-effect analysis and tracing back to the core of visible problems. In OT systems, a cause-effect relationship is very difficult to establish.


The clarity and overview of the data enables efficient tracking of an optimized plant and predictive monitoring for compliance with target values.

KAIDIRA® also supports targeted reporting and proactive measures in accordance with the EU taxonomy. Data from the company’s own value creation, production and upstream supply chain can be prepared appropriately for the company’s specifically defined, EU taxonomy-compliant reporting (KPI reporting). Time analysis and trends enable routine monitoring of values and fact-based analysis in case of deviations. Optimal values or alarm ranges for early warning enable proactive thinking and action within externally specified limits.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) supports

KAIDIRA® was developed with regard to easy connection of AI-based tools and is continuously extended here (“toolkits”).

For example, VOIGT+WIPP Engineers builds AI-based forecast models for heat demand in district heating networks using additional external data sources. These forecast models are also used for control purposes within the EPOC® or BCS® suite(AI-based setpoint specification).
This can be done, for example, via the toolkit “Heat demand forecast” toolkit. The toolkit “Fire position measurement with AI” shows the prevailing position of the fire and any optimization points.


The infrastructure platform is based on many years of in-house developments for the data-intensive process industry and is equipped with a basic suite in terms of functionality, interfaces, transmission protocols and docking points for the respective customer-specific digitization solution.

This modular design enables comprehensive and needs-based customizing, for example to connect external databases such as ERP, measurements from sensors, external data, etc. from various applications.

Suitable for target group

As part of a digitization with CHORUS Digital, we attach great importance to a holistic view of the situation. KAIDIRA® was also developed with this in mind and is primarily aimed at users who require the compilation of different data in a central location: both from different locations and from different company divisions.

KAIDIRA® combines data along its own value chain, integrates data from upstream supply chains and different systems, and is therefore suitable for answering questions that seek to identify dependencies or cause-and-effect relationships. In order to investigate a quality defect at the end of the machining process, several data points must be continuously recorded and put into relation in a time-synchronized manner. Clear statements on quality, performance and sustainability are thus derived