Denitrification, SNCR systems

With the selective non-catalytic reaction (SNCR), nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are produced in all industrial combustion processes, can be reliably removed from the exhaust gas. Our longstanding Our expertise in the field of process and control engineering helps us to optimally adapt the SNCR process to your system. to lay out and more than 80% of the NOx-emissions from the exhaust gas. This allows legal NOx-limits to be reliably adhered towhich makes an important contribution for our environment.

The SNCR method represents a cost-effective solution that can be easily integrated into existing systems. The investment costs for the SNCR process are only approx. 10-20% of the costs of an SCR process. We also analyze and optimize existing SNCR systems and support you in saving Reducing agent (urea/ammonium)to minimize the operatingcosts. Our aim is to find the best possible technical and economical solution for your plant in order to reliably comply with current and future NOx-emission limits while minimizing the consumption of reducing agent.

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The advantages of the SNCRprocedure at a glance:

  • High efficiency (more than 80% NOx separation efficiency possible)
  • Low investment costs (up to 10 times lower than an SCRprocess)
  • Low operating costs (no additional pressure loss in the exhaust gas flow, no reheating of the exhaust gas necessary)
  • Quick and easy to retrofit to existing systems
  • Less space required compared to the SCRprocess

Our services in detail:

High efficiency
Low investment costs
Low operating costs
of components that are to be replaced or used for the first time and to maintain a high level of operational safety
Quick and easy to retrofit
low space requirement

Customer testimonial:

“As part of the upgrade of our fluidized bed boiler by the experts from VOIGT+WIPP Engineers, an SNCR system was also integrated. This not only enables the emission limits to be undercut, it also proves to be stable and reliable in operation after more than a year of use. The SNCR control system was implemented as part of the integrated EPOC suite.” DI (FH) Bernhard Pichler, Project Manager, NORSKE SKOG

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As a reducing agent for the SNCR process, which is injected into the furnace via specially developed nozzles , either ammonium or urea solution can be used. In order to efficiently remove nitrogen oxides from the exhaust gas, the right temperature window, sufficient dwell time and optimum distribution of the reducing agent are essential. s in the exhaust gas is crucial. The efficiency of the SNCR system is largely determined by the choice of reducing agent, t he position of the insertion, the even distribution in the exhaust gas flow and the control of the combustion process. If the combustion chamber temperatures are too low or the reducing agent distribution is insufficient, emissions of unconverted ammonia may occur (NH3 slip) and if the combustion chamber temperatures are too high, the injected ammonium burns to NOx.
Nachdem die Feuerraumtemperatur hauptsächlich von der Regelung des Verbrennungsprozess
it depends on the efficiency of the system, an optimum result in terms of efficiency can be achieved primarily through the correct interaction between the firing rate control and the SNCR system. In addition to the SNCR process, it is also possible in many cases to use the NOx-emissions by optimizing the firing rate control. If this has aroused your interest, you will find
further information about our product ” EPOC boiler for optimizing the firing rate control here.

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