EPOC® Steam Manager

Steam networks with different steam generators and consumers require a superordinate concept that optimally coordinates the participants in the steam network with their variable demands and supply capacities. The EPOC® Steam Manager provides high steam consistency, ensures the steam balance of your plant and results in maximum power generation from your turbine. As a result, you benefit from optimum operation of your steam network from an economic and ecological point of view.

The EPOC® Steam Manager has a fast control dynamic to keep the pressures of the steam rails constant and to achieve a smooth operation of the steam boilers. As far as information is available, disturbance variables are also taken into account in a forward-looking manner. The control for requesting and switching off peak load steam generators or load burners is linked to its own logic in EPOC® Steam Manager. The decisions are subject to hysteresis in order to keep a state constant for a defined period of time. Priorities and other basic parameters – such as the equal use of equivalent boilers and burners – are taken into account.

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I am happy to be there for you!

Sebastian Sturm is your expert when it comes to the EPOC® Suite!

Further links:

Steamnet, EPOC® Steam Manager Conenga group

Example of a heating network in which the combination of energy supply and energy use is optimized using EPOC® Steam Manager

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